Welcome to The Business Bruja! Where reclaiming our intuition, sacred medicine, embracing our magic, healing ancestral patterns and creating our soul inspired business meet! I’m Vanessa Codorniu and my purpose is to create space for real talk on spirituality, social justice, healing, business, love, creativity and our collective re-awakening. I look forward to our RISING. Vanessa@theBusinessBruja.com

Saturday Oct 10, 2020
Acting days, Meeting Her Twin Flame and the Tantrika Life with Tatiana Dellapiane
Saturday Oct 10, 2020
Saturday Oct 10, 2020
Tatiana and I recorded a podcast over a year and a half ago that I didn’t share and I decided that we should have an updated conversation!
Join us as Tatiana Dellapiane, a sex and relationship expert, who has been diving deep into her own healing during the pandemic shares her journey from acting days, meeting her twin flame, mourning her beloved, late guru Psalm Isadora and the current layers she’s been releasing during the pandemic. Tatiana looks back and shares her path to embracing her tantrika essence and life path.
- Leaving a sexless relationship and discovering her own desires and sexual self.
- Acting class and meeting her Twin flame.
- Shares about her late guru, teacher, mentor and friend, Psalm Isadora.
- Marriage as initiation in her life.
- How the pandemic invited her to release the victim consciousness around not being able to accept reality as is.
- We’re all going through the pandemic in different ways.
- Her message of self-acceptance and being okay with where we are in our process.
Tatiana Dellepiane is a Tantric Sex and Relationship Expert featured in Glamour, Cosmopolitan, Women's Health, Health.com, GQ, Askmen.com, YourTango.com, and many more.
Tatiana, like most masterful energy healers, has been a student of energy and sensual choreographic healing for her entire life, studying modalities from around the world.
She's the lead trainer of OYoga and Urban Kama Sutra School. She's the Founder of the SLUT movement to redefine the word slut and help end the stigma around slut shaming.
Tatiana believes in the power of sex to awaken, transform and accelerate our journeys of self-actualization. She is passionate about sharing her personal experiences, lessons and wisdom to empower other women. She offers 1-on-1 coaching, online group courses, and teaches live events in NYC.
Follow her on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tatianadellepiane/

Monday Sep 28, 2020
Money Wounds And Mother Money with Linda Garcia
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Money Wounds And Mother Money with Linda Garcia
My peoples...I have to share this powerful lady and her work. As a daughter of immigrants, I arrived to the US at a year and inherited the "work hard to make money" pattern, I've always known I can make money since I've been on my own in NYC since I am 21. As a spiritual healer and teacher for decades, I've been abundant in my work yet...I knew that it came with quite the amount of work! Taking a deep breath in, I took the class and I am now so excited to invest and open to multiplying my paper. It's been an honor and a pleasure to share this beautiful mujer's journey!
Linda Garcia shares her spiritual and money healing journey from being a child connecting to the moon, being a teenage mom and her corporate career with Telemundo, Netflix and her inspiration for Let There Be Luz Podcast and her current course,” Wealth Rules Everything Around Me.”
We talk about:
- How the feeling that she had a mission moved her forward.
- How her intuition guided her around her menstrual cycle.
- Guiding Latinas into a new relationship with their monthly cycle.
- How her pregnancy and the birth of her son deepened her spiritual path and mission to share.
- The transformation during the pandemic that shifted Let There Be Luz podcast to In Luz We Trust and the classes that she's been teaching.
Linda Garcia, California native, born to immigrant parents, double majored in Marketing and International Business in Dallas, Texas. During college she was on air talent for Telemundo and Univision and began to write, produce and direct local TV commercials. Fascinated with storytelling, she moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in film and formed part of the startup team that launched the first major Latino Hollywood movie studio, Lionsgate’s, Pantelion Films. In 2012, Linda accepted a position at Netflix where she managed one of the company’s largest assets for Netflix Latin America. She was the driving force behind Spanish subs and dubs for Netflix U.S. Originals and the launch of telenovelas. She went on to launch AT&T’s, Fullscreen and Lionsgate’s, Pantaya streaming service. In September 2018 she closed the door on Hollywood to focus on her podcast, Let There Be Luz, full time. Linda or Luz Warrior as most of her listeners call her, has been strongly embraced by her community, developing an avid listener. Her meditations have rapidly become a community favorite and are now being experienced in corporate settings. She formed part of We All Grow Latina Summit 2019 Storytellers as well as as well as the official curator We All Grow Wellness Day. She most recently uprooted her family from Los Angeles and headed back to Dallas, Texas to continue her life's purpose, in her search to heal wounds specifically tied to wealth building from a unique spiritual perspective.
Find Linda Garcia at @luzwarrior

Monday Sep 21, 2020
Boundaries and Our Sacred No with Shirley Johnson
Monday Sep 21, 2020
Monday Sep 21, 2020
I had the honor and great pleasure of having Shirley Johnson of Soulistic Wellness on my Bruja Rising Instagram Lives May 8th 2020 and after the lives we jumped on a recording session. My apologies for taking so long for me to share this conversation with this beautiful and generous soul.
Shirley Johnson, Psychotherapist + Energy Healer and Yoga teacher shares her journey from being a daughter of musicians, working in corporate, how the traditional study of psychology gave her more boundaries in her sacred work and why she calls herself an empath in recovery.
Some of the points that came up during our conversation:
- Everyone is a healer.
- What we are trying to do out there needs to be done in here ( within ourselves.)
- We already have it all, we’ve had it since we are born.
- How boundaries are KEY to being a healthy EMPATH.
- The medicine in traditional psychology training that connected Shirley with her sacred no.
- How being a therapist has taught her to observe and honor her boundaries.
- Why being self-FULL is needed.
- How business can also create boundaries.
shirley johnson | siri pritam kaur + soulistic wellness
“I’d rather be whole than good.” - Carl Jung
I am interested in wholeness and authenticity in all the work I do. I believe that radical authenticity and acceptance heal. I believe that acknowledging every emotion and desire will set us free. I have been committed to self studying and diving deep into all things healing for the last 15 years. My life is grounded in building consciousness. Outside of my practice, I love Cuban Salsa dance, hip hop music from the 90’s, watercolor painting, hot yoga, and laughing out loud.
Find Shirley on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/soulisticwellness/
And her website: http://www.soulisticwellness.com

Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Zero F's Given with Anita Kopacz
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Join us for this real talk with OG brujas, Vanessa and Anita! We begin with a gentle meditation and flow into Anita’s journey with her intuition, sexual healing and Orisha energy showing up to guide her on her life's journey. Anita shares the re-imagined inspirational story of Yemaya set in a historical period that will be published later this year in 2020 under the title Shallow Waters. We get real about alchemizing healing, intuitive business, sexual trauma and healing, her documentary and growing her beautiful family. We laugh, we tear up and as OG healers we knew changes were coming and that we are READY!
Some conversation points:
* How Orishas and guiding energies have shown up in our lives
* Multi-tasking and focus as we manage our lives and business.
* Alchemizing and clients doing their sacred work.
* How our wounds bring us to our soul purpose and Anita shares about her sexual abuse and her sexual healing.
* Ancestral trauma and how it can affect our children.
* Following Spirit and finding ways to do the work you feel called to do no matter the obstacles.
* Showing our wounds and the act of being seen heals us.
* Tending our seeds of creation and having patience.
* Sexual trauma and ways of protecting ourselves.
* Falling in love with shadow, sadness and the deep waters.
Anita Kopacz is a Pleasure Alchemist, Spiritual Psychologist, award-winning writer & Activist. She was Editor-in-Chief of Heart & Soul Magazine for five years. Before that, Anita was the Managing Editor of BeautyCents Magazine. Anita received her Bachelor's in Interdisciplinary Studies at UC Berkeley and MA in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica. She is also a certified Tantra Coach, the author of the book FINDING YOUR WAY and the creator of the Zero F’s Given Campaign.
Find Anita on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anitakopacz/
Find Vanessa on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thebizbruja/
Find Margie the Healing Artist that Anita speaks about on the podcast: https://www.instagram.com/margienugent/
You can also view this interview on YOUtube

Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
The New Moon in Leo: I'm Gonna Let It Shine
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
This NEW MOON in Leo creates a potent + rare GRAND FIRE with MOON + SUN in Fixed Leo trine Mars in Cardinal Aries + the South Node in mutable Fire Sagittarius. Riffing on the New Moon in Leo, our Light, the Grand Fire Trine, trusting ourselves and the deep invitation to recharge through play, joy and celebration!
For more info on courses: The Biz Bruja
Follow on Instagram: The Biz Bruja

Monday Aug 10, 2020
Everything Is Working In Your Favor with Angie Rojo
Monday Aug 10, 2020
Monday Aug 10, 2020
Angie’s philosophy is that “everything is working in your favor” and her life truly reflects that deep knowing. Angie shares her early passion to Spirit and all things flow and love. Angie came to Santeria at a young age and became a Priestess of Oshun and left with many lessons, awareness and self-love.
One of my questions I came to this interview was, “ how do we reclaim our inner healing abilities and show up in life to create a business? When did you realize you were a healer and how did you start sharing your work?"
Angie then experienced a disappointing experience with a church that made her realize, “ I can’t ignore what I know.”
As she explored and became a practitioner of Quantum Healing Hypnosis.
- How putting a price on your services can change the energy in a way that serves you.
- Developing a loving relationship with money in order to thrive in life and business.
Angie Rojo is a Certified Past Life Regression Hypnotist & Self-Love Mentor. She is trained in Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) developed by the late Dolores Cannon. Angie has been an active leader and facilitator in the spiritual space since 2002. Her experience and insights ranging from the Catholic Church, Nichiren Buddhism, being anointed a Priestess in the Yoruba religion in 2006. Angie studied Transcendental Meditation with Emily Flecther of Ziva Meditation & Mindvalley in 2013. Angie is an Intentional Living & Self-Love Mentor, a Speaker, facilitating live workshops and group meditations. Her mission in life is to guide people to live intentionally, joyfully, and with purpose...
Follow Angie on instagram: InspiredbyAngie
Read more about Angie: Angie Rojo

Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
I am Diosa with Christine Gutierrez
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Excited to share this conversation with Christine! I've watched her grow over the last decade and create a beautiful life, powerful healing spaces and now this transformative book! We riff about the spiritual old ways, how we've translated our medicine into a modern day form that serves, Christine's social justice work and how she journeyed from an empathic and curious little girl to a woman of action and healing. Her book,
I Am Diosa: A Journey to Healing Deep, Loving Yourself, And Coming Back Home to Soul is on pre-order and all details are below!
BIO: Christine Gutierrez, MA, LMHC is a Latina licensed psychotherapist, life coach and expert in love addiction, trauma, abuse, and self- esteem. She has a bachelor’s degree from Fordham University in human behavior and development, and a master’s degree from City College of New York in mental health counseling with a focus on community and prevention. Through her work, Christine offers private coaching, group coaching, and transformational retreats such as her annual Diosa Retreat in Puerto Rico, as well as the Diosa Tribe, a global community where like- hearted women come to heal, rise, and lead. She has been featured in Time Out NY, Latina Magazine, Yahoo Health, Ebony, Cosmo for Latinas, Huffington Post, and others. Christine currently resides in Puerto Rico with her husband, Fernando Samalot, and their pup, Bodhi. For more on her work, visit christineg.tv and follow her on Instagram @CosmicChristine.
Link to: www.christineg.tv/iamdiosabook and main website is www.christineg.tv

Friday Jun 12, 2020
Doing The Work: Coming Home in both Resilience and Dysfunction with Dr. Dee
Friday Jun 12, 2020
Friday Jun 12, 2020
As we continue to exist under the realities of COVID 19 we have also faced personally and collectively the reality of racism and it's horrifying impact on our black brothers and sisters. With this on my heart, I reached out to Dr. Dee to talk about her work and how she sees us finding a way forwards.
Excited to connect with this powerful mujer, Dr. Dee #thetravelinghealer, doesn't hold back and shares her journey as a young Latina becoming pregnant, stepping into her power and claiming her path as a leader, healer and social justice wayshower. When asked what we need to be doing right now Dr. Dee says," Go Home. Go home and speak with your living ancestors. Talk about what's been said and not said. Go home in all it's resiliency and dysfunction because we've got work to do and it starts at home." We apologize for the sound quality but we really wanted to connect and share her wisdom and even though it's not perfect- we're here and she's sharing some insights that I took on as homework and that you may feel inspired to do as well.
Dr. Dayanara Marte is a first-generation Dominican immigrant dedicated to healing, trauma and social justice and upcoming author of her transformational Every Little Girl Has a Story. Dr. Marte works globally as a trusted advisor, consultant and coach with a wide array of philanthropy, community based cultural and social justice organizations and social service institutions executive directors, essential workers and first responders. With over 25 years of experience, she is renowned for her extraordinary ability to identify the social, spiritual, mental and emotional impact that trauma, oppression and violence have on women’s ability to love, live and lead. Dayanara is creating a movement that places self-healing and healing justice at the core of social justice.Dr. Marte envisions a world where young and adult women powerfully exist, are living into their future, birthing sustainable families and organizations and leading a new world.
Dr. Dayanara Marte, MPH, DSW
CEO/Founder of the World Healing Lab and the People of Color Healing Justice Consortium
For more information go to www.dayanaramarte.com
Instagram @dayanaramarte