Welcome to The Business Bruja! Where reclaiming our intuition, sacred medicine, embracing our magic, healing ancestral patterns and creating our soul inspired business meet! I’m Vanessa Codorniu and my purpose is to create space for real talk on spirituality, social justice, healing, business, love, creativity and our collective re-awakening. I look forward to our RISING. Vanessa@theBusinessBruja.com

Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
The Biz Bruja Podcast: Being A Bruja Is More Than Trend
Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
It's been A MINUTE! Finally got married in July- it was amazing! My fam came down with Covid-19 and as I juggled that and my retreat to Mexico and a project I am sharing soon- my podcast fell to the side!
I guess she wanted to come back! I started a video for my website and LOL I started talking about being a bruja and what that means to me. Being a bruja is more than a trend and showing up reclaiming who we truly are is in service to our liberation and to liberation of of our people. Being a bruja has always been intertwined with social justice and serving the community.
I hope you enjoy!
We coming back with more!
YASSSS find out more about sessions and The School of the Healing Artes on www.thebizbruja.com

Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
The Biz Bruja Podcast: Keepin' Up With The Brujas
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Gemini made me do it! LOL or the Pisces Moon! Do you feel pressured to keep up with all things spiritual? That to be a REAL bruja you need to know all.the.things?
I've noticed with the rise of spiritual, esoteric, bruja and curandera information online and the pandemic's invitation to heal- that many folks are pressuring themselves to be "more spiritual" or a better "bruja." Let's not replace society's standards or religious pressures with the internal critic pressure of "not being a good enough bruja." Being a bruja and a spiritualist is a journey of healing, exploration, expression and celebration!
Perfectionism and comparison can also exist in the land of the healers and brujas! In fact, these colonizer mindsets and oppressions worked consciously and subconsciously to separate us from who we truly BE.
This episode is me riffing on my experiences and perceptions. We are all on our own path and while they may be similar or inspire us with similarities- we are all on our own unique journey. We need to remember this and listen to our own powerful knowing above and beyond what the trends, expectations or society's presentation of what a spiritual. We are here to reclaim and REDEFINE how we BE and how we thrive.
Please receive what serves you and release what doesn't serve.
Let me know how this lands with you brujitx!
Mucho amor y magia,
For more information on courses with The School of the Healing Artes
Follow me on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thebizbruja/
#rebel #revolutionary #liberation #intuition #ancestors

Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Priscilla Stephan: Leading through the Mystic Archetype
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Brazilian-American Priscilla shares her journey from wanting to be a nun or an astronaut to being an event coordinator, fashion jewelry designer and working in corporate to the Akashic Records and business leadership development.
She describes the Akashic Records as Harry Potter’s Library in the Ether- endless infinite library with all the information through dimensions, time and space- a great way to connect with the guides who have been traveling with us from lifetime to lifetime! After twenty years of reading tarot, Priscilla encouraged me to study and teach the Akashic Records!
One of the ways that the Records are different from other practices is that it requires you to be an active, empowered participant in the session. Once we show up willing to be accountable and take responsibility- the guides are there to reflect that back with the most practical and concise information at the time, understanding it’s not predictive and that we do have free will.
Her life changed completely when she studied the Akashic Records and describes living a life in technicolor instead of black and white.
Everyone has their interests and specialty in the Akashic Records.
Trusting where you feel the pull. Trust that it may go in phases.
Why she doesn’t feel called in the Records but rather download strategy and her channeled archetype system.
How her guides “the little fuckers” asked her to download a little book for us and it became a whole body of work.
In the archetype system Priscilla downloaded, healers are under the Mystics category and they can be creative, intuitive and healing. Mystics are here to elevate consciousness on the planet with these gifts.
Priscilla shares one of the major abilities that healers tend to discount
Shares what is an archetype and the five archetypes in her system.
Her process of answering the Call and moving through the answering of your call.
The Mystic’s kryptonite
How healers forget themselves and go overboard
Healers are more than their service.
Priscilla Stephan
When entrepreneurs want to make seven figures in their business without working harder or burning out, they work with Priscilla Stephan, Intuitive Business Strategist and creator of the Soulfluent™ Leadership Archetypes.
Priscilla’s holistic and pragmatic approach to business and leadership allows her clients to live their dream lifestyle while confidently sharing their soul’s work to make a big impact and increase their profit and growth.
Originally from Brazil, San Diego is now her home base as she works with leaders from a wide range of industries who have one thing in common: they have the desire to create a global impact and live a life of purpose without sacrificing their time, relationships or well-being.
To discover your Soulfluent™ Leadership Archetype and how it can help you maximize your profits while living the joyful life you’re craving, visit: https://priscillastephan.com

Saturday Mar 13, 2021
New Moon in Pisces: Cyclical creatures~Criaturas cíclicas
Saturday Mar 13, 2021
Saturday Mar 13, 2021
Spirit invited me to connect with y'all today because it's a beautiful astrological line up for release, healing and flow!
I have a New Moon gathering every month in my monthly membership Bruja Rising and this hypno-meditation is created just for this space.
New Moon always invites is to release and make way for the new. So many of us want to add to an already full plate, until we can't. Our health or other situations kick up to remind us...we are cyclical creatures. Criaturas cíclicas.
We are between years and phases as next week we move into the New Astrological Year with Sun in Aries.
By 8:41 minutes the meditation begins so please don't drive with this on and allow yourself some time to go deep.
Meditation- releasing grief and loss from our energy field and making room for joy, beginnings and love.
Thank you all for your support, your kindness and your feedback! Please let me know if this served and share with friends!
If you're interested in Bruja Rising know that it includes a New Moon zoom gathering and Full Moon Bruja Oracle Hours, yep I open the Akashic Records and we explore energetic patterns and receive intuitive guidance! I also have talented Latinx and BIPOC guides bringing their magic every month!
If you're part of the School of the Healing artes it's only $21.99 and if you're new it's $29.99 Find out more HERE
Follow me on instagram: theBizBruja

Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Pam Covarrubias: Owning Her Story with Creative Grace, Curiosity and Service
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Pam Covarrubias: Owning her Story with Creative Grace, Curiosity & Service
So excited to share this brilliant, beautiful bilingual hermana! Pam is an Intuitive Brand Builder, Certified Life Coach and EFT Practitioner- and all around wise woman supporting mujeres to own their stories and align with their purpose!
Growing up surrounded by art and music, Pam shares her story from Mexico to the US, from wanting to be an architect to becoming a graphic designer to Intuitive Brand builder, Life and business coach, podcaster of the award-winning Cafe Con Pam and EFT Practitioner healer.
- Her relaying allows us to experience through her story how our talents and gifts are intertwined in everything we do.
- Pam asked herself, “What skills do I have now that I can make money from?” and her skills assessment brought her on to the Brand Strategist path.
- The idea that nothing is a waste of time, our experiences invite us to connect with our inner gifts and resources.
- Pam shares her moment where she felt she “made it” and breaking thru the generational trauma around older rich white male authority figures.
- Listening to podcasts she asked herself,” where are the people who look like me? Who speak two languages? Where are the deeper stories? Where are the Latinx podcasts?”
- How “Cafe Con Pam” podcast was born.
- How sharing our sexual harassment, fighting machismo and daring to speak out truth is truly part of our empowerment journey as mujeres.
- The transparent thread that connects us through generations.
- Pam drops some wisdom on creating your podcast! We could do a podcast about this!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cafeconpampodcast/
Pam is dynamically skilled as an Intuitive Brand Builder, Business Guide, Podcaster, Speaker, Certified Crystal Healer, EFT Practitioner, Certified Life Coach, and Recovering Procrastinator. She primarily spends her time elevating womxn and small businesses by helping them develop their brand in intuitive ways, while also staying true to their unique story. Throughout her diverse career, Pam learned the importance of branding and positioning in an ever-changing market. She utilizes her natural skills, as a highly intuitive and creative human and as a strategic marketer and coach, to develop systems that help individuals accomplish their intentions. She brilliantly blends creativity and practicality to help her clients achieve success. Pam’s mission is to Spread Ideas, Move People. As a creator, speaker, coach, and visionary, she strives to bring products, support, insight, and accountability to those around her.

Thursday Jan 28, 2021
Season 2: Full Moon in Leo: A Heartfelt Invitation to Shine
Thursday Jan 28, 2021
Thursday Jan 28, 2021
Yasssss we made it through Brujitx! Last year was an initiation into facing our shadows, loss, grief, change, gratitude, deepening our connection with our spirit, shifting, pivoting and healing with a capital H. We all went through 2020 yet we did not go through it the same. Each of us had our own journey.
Some folks took a pause, others jumped into the fray and held space for communities. All of you, and I have the honor of meeting so many of you, courageously made time for healing and re-creating community.
For me it felt like what I had been preparing all my life. I started reading business owners at 16, represented by a entertainment company at 22, initiated at 23 and guiding circles for over a decade when I came online. If there was ever a call for me to rise as teacher and space holder, this was it! I thank each an everyone of you for listening, supporting, sharing, enrolling in the courses of The School of the Healing Artes- most of all, I thank you for showing up for YOUR ancestors, for your espiritu and for being the chain breakers of ancestral patterns that no longer serve.
Gracias de Corazon! I am so excited for your rising, your shining and your creations that I have been sharing on instagram and for the sacred spaces you have created in your hearts, your families and communities. I know as we have healed, survived and thrived 2020- that we are ready for the tremendous changes that our world needs to go through to honor all people, moving human rights and social justice center stage. We are still preparing, knowing it will take time but we know that it's the only way for us to create the world that every child deserves.
In the episode:
* Deep gratitude and a quick review of 2020
* The Cycles of the Moon and how they reflect our own cycles and rhythms of creation.
* The Full Moon inspiring us to the stage, to speak our truth and to SHINE- releasing all that is not us, remembering that we truly are whole and have always been.
* Spirit messages delivered in this talk.
* Someone on instagram asked," How do I approach social media as a new business? There's so much available, I feel pressured and I wind up backing off." I share my experience and an invitation.
* A short meditation, a time to drop in and witness anything that is constricting our sovereignty and our fullest expression
I hope this episode has served you queridos
Mucho amor!
More information: https://thebizbruja.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thebizbruja/
Monthly membership Bruja Rising community

Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Esoteric Esa Walking In Her Abuela's Footsteps as The Modern Spiritual Latina
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Join me in this conversation with Esoteric Esa, Jasmin- The Modern Spiritual Latina as she shares her own spiritual journey of taking up space, being seen and rising with her ancestral gifts. I admire and adore this brilliant Aquarian and can’t wait to share her joy, her passion for life and her thoughts on where we are and where we are headed.
Some of the things we discuss in this episode:
- Esoteric Esa is not a moniker, it’s actually Jasmin’s Higher Self and represents her journey.
- Jasmin shares how her intuition kept her safe from an attack as she walked home from high school.
- Jasmin shares her path from a degree in journalism and public relations to a growing career in entertainment PR to the smackdown of the Saturn Return that changed everything.
- Her Abuela’s metaphysical path and sacred work and how she realized she wanted to walk that path.
- We talk about setting boundaries around our sacred work to support us as empaths and intuitives.
- How reading for strangers allow you to be a more clear channel.
- Latinx community reclaiming and opening up to their soul gifts.
- How overly focusing on love and light and staying away from our shadows and darkness can be spiritual bypass.
Esoteric Esa is a Psychic, Creator of The Modern Spiritual Latina Oracle, an Award-winning Podcast Host, and has been published in HipLatina, PopSugar, and featured on MiTu for her spiritual work. She has contributed astrology and metaphysical pieces for BeLatina, HipLatina, and Luna Lifted and OurHouse.LA for their bruja content columns. She curates an award-winning podcast for manifestors titled, Better Work Bitch!, which is now on its sixth season, and has won two People's Choice Podcast Awards. She dedicates her time towards empowering others through the knowledge of astrology, numerology and tarot readings.
Connect with her via Instagram
@esoteric_esa or www.patreon.com/esotericesa. Book a reading at www.souliminati.com

Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Devotion, Plants & Spirits: Juliet Diaz and her Bruja Path
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
It's been a minute! While I started this podcast in October of 2019, three family deaths have delayed me throughout and I keep returning with my Ancestors supporting, of course!
So happy to share this conversation with Juliet Diaz. Christine Gutierrez, author of I am Diosa, introduced us for The Soul Book Masterclass and it was my pleasure to guide a hypnosis for the beautiful group of writers they have gathered- I joined as well!
Juliet's journey is full of magic, truth, heartbreak and powerful transformation and empowerment. She shares her devotion, struggles and early beginnings connecting to plants and feeling the souls in the nearby cemeteries where she grew up as well as how quickly she moved from the life she thought she wanted to the one aligned with her calling and Spirit.
Some of the things we riffed about:
- How Spirit will shift your life to bring you to change.
- How we align our paths when we commit to Spirit and our path.
- We talk about cooking with the Ancestors.
- How our creative callings are echoes of past lives and ancestor's energies.
- Giving away our power in love, business or our spirituality.
- You are capable of being your own hero.
Take a seat brujitas! Get the tea or cafe out and chill cuz this beautiful share will surely support your almas!
Mucho amor, Vanessa
Juliet Diaz is an Indigenous Taino Cubana from a long line of curanderos (Healers) and Brujas on both sides of her parents lineages. A Bohuiti (Healer) of her tribe, Higuayagua. Signs of her natural gifts like, Cosmic Channeling, Seer, plant whispering, energy reading & communication with spirits & other realms shined through at the age of 3. She believes Magic lives within us all and feels passionately about inspiring others to step into their truth. Juliet has devoted her life to helping others weave light, medicine, and Magic into their lives, helping thousands of people come back to self.
She’s the creator of Sagrada Collective an online virtual sanctuary and Co-Founder of The Soul Book Masterclass where she helps people find their soul's voice and turn it into a book. She has a Masters of Science in Herbal Medicine and countless certifications in an array of healing modalities.
Featured in major publications like National Geographic, The Atlantic, Wired and Spirit and Destiny UK. Published Author of her bestselling book in its genre, Witchery – Embrace the Witch Within published by Hayhouse
Find Juliet at: https://www.instagram.com/iamjulietdiaz/
Plant Witchery: https://www.amazon.com/Plant-Witchery-Discover-Sacred-Language/dp/1401960200