Welcome to The Business Bruja! Where reclaiming our intuition, sacred medicine, embracing our magic, healing ancestral patterns and creating our soul inspired business meet! I’m Vanessa Codorniu and my purpose is to create space for real talk on spirituality, social justice, healing, business, love, creativity and our collective re-awakening. I look forward to our RISING. Vanessa@theBusinessBruja.com

Monday Jan 23, 2023
Love & Intuition: OMG that’s my Soulmate and other Intuitive Love Stories
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Monday Jan 23, 2023
OMG I that's my Soulmate and other Intuitive Love Stories or Amor in the Time of Intuitive Evolution
I started talking about love and intuition weeks ago and went into a foundation on intuition and the Clairs - now that we have the groundwork I wanted to dive deeper into this journey of love and intuition...
- Managing spiritual and practical realities
- How spiritual gifts and intuitive knowing does not allow us to escape the cycle of human life
- How intuitive guidance can be objective due to it’s timeless nature
- Why learning to read the energetic information is key
- How to clear the way so your Intuition can guide you clearly
- Unpacking trauma and society’s expectations to understand your intuitive knowing when it comes to love
- How we choose our partners/lovers and relationships consciously and unconsciously
- A quick grounding and intuitive connection with our knowing
- Guided questions to begin unpacking our intuitive knowing around our love relationships
- Exploring fantasies and what we truly desire
- Not everything is what it seems- tracking intuition
- Change is at the root of our existence and energy shifts all the time
- Human expectations and Spiritual Reality
- Looking back at who we were when we chose certain relationships and where we are now
- Why trusting our intuition and Spirit changes our lives
- If we do not integrate our own masculine and feminine and/or shadows we may project them on our relationships- eventually we will be polarized and the relationship may end
- How I was overworking and busy with REVEAL: The Next Generation of Women's Spirituality in 2009-2010 and a relationship helped me change
- Being present
- The Grass is always greener and continuing to heal
- Everything is change and it's important to integrate that knowing
- Loving ourselves is the key
- Self-betrayal and how we can grow
- We do not have to be invisible or a pretzel to be loved
- Taking accountability in our relationships changes our relationships
If you're interested in an Akashic Records Reading based on love just book a regular 30 minute to 60 minute session and we will do it once we hop on zoom!
Mucho amor,

Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Could Trauma & Ego Be Clouding Your Intuition? 8 Tips Towards Intuitive Clarity
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Could Trauma & Ego Be Clouding Your Intuition? 8 Tips Towards Intuitive Clarity w/Vanessa Codorniu
As a 3rd generation Psychic medium on one side and a 4th on the other, who has been reading folks since the age of 16 to teaching almost two decades and over 12, 000 sessions let Vanessa guide you through this conversation.
What is intuition?
Practical definitions, spiritual and more energy/science, energy is invisible and cannot be created or destroyed.
* Intuitive ability is not a competitive practice
* How a trauma can confuse our intuition and also make us hyperaware
* Examples of why our intuition could be experienced as a reaction to a trigger
* Being psychic is not about power and control
* How my immigrant trauma stories actually made me show up on my psychic abilities
* Jumping to conclusions based on trauma, bias, mindsets or past experience
* We’re all intuitive and it takes time to develop our intuitive understanding
* 2023 is about deepening how we proceed around spirituality
* Refining how we communicate about our medicine
* Going back to Basics to help our mind, body and spirit
* What do if we are not intuiting clearly
* Explore healing and grounding practices
* Taking the time to explore what works for us now and Ancestrally Why we need to accept change and flow more to be more intuitive.
Nachos Magicas: Reclaiming Our Ancestral Soul Gifts course begins again this Spring 2023!
Read more on our services and offers: https://thebizbruja.com
#intuition #psychicenergy #psychicmediumprofessional #brujas

Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Intuition as Our Birthright and How to Begin Reclaiming Yours!
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Get ready to learn, remember and laugh! Vanessa wanted to talk about love and intuition but was guided to set the foundation first. Heart-to-heart talk with a psychic medium, Brujita healer who has been teaching for decades and learning to be who she is on this Earth as modern day Bruja. Vanessa has been online teaching thousands for over 10 years full-time online and almost two decades offline. If you've ever felt like you weren't intuitive or that you are afraid of it or feel like you don't understand your gifts- Listen in!
* What is Intuition?
* How does it show up?
* That all the gifts are special and important
* Why is it important to reclaim and take time to understand our own gifts
* Know thyself and how that serves you best
* How modern day trendy commercialism in Spirituality continues to mimmick the patriarchal, racist system and why it's important to remain in integrity
* The downside of power for power's sake
* What does it mean for some psychic medium's to be so sensitive
* Why we must honor our sensitivity by choosing what we ingest on all levels
* How "I don't know" is usually buying us time because we do know but may not be ready to act on what we know
* How reclaiming our intuition is revolutionary
Please reach out and let me know if this serves! Mucho amor, Vanessa Follow Vanessa on IG: https://www.instagram.com/thebizbruja/
Sign up for our newsletter! https://thebizbruja.com
Look out for intuitive training classes coming Spring 2023! #intuition #intuitionasbirthright #Psychicmedium

Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Season 4: Basta con el Bullshiteo on this Universal 7 Year
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Felicidades as we enter the Gregorian Calendar's New Year of 2023, we are at the start of a new era. Of course Brujitx know that the New Year starts earlier and for some later in the Spring. In any case, we are always moving through seasons and cycles and 2023 invites us into the Universal number 7.
Many of us love the number seven and know that it's a Neptunian influenced number bringing us into our spiritual knowing, solitude and the embodiment of what is our own personal and collective truth.
In this episode, I share about 2020 and 2021 being a time for many to slow down, go deep, reclaim their spirituality and heal, heal, heal. Removed from distractions many of us in our communities reclaimed tools and our healer/brujiyx selves. 2022 Brough us out in the world and we began to deal.
The essence of this new Universal Year doesn't tolerate BS gladly and the collective is invited to redefine and actualize what spirituality means to them. A trend occurred where folks went from their first meditation to creating their business often without doing much work. It's beautiful to know deep in your soul that this is your calling- and 2023 is going to bring TONS of clarity. Many will commit to the long game of a spiritual business and practice and others will recognize that it's a personal path of healing and wellness.
In the middle we drop into an impromptu meditation to invite some answers and return to continue the conversation.
I know that many that listen are legit spiritual folks who are interested in healing and supporting our communities and we cannot deny the increase in fake spirituality and "shiny thing syndrome" in our world when capitalism and consumerism has deemed spirituality and such a huge moneymaker at this time.So take it con take it easy and trust your inner knowing. You've go this and we are growing: Together!
I shared about BRUJA RISING an intimate membership group that offers two events a month; New Moon Gathering and setting of intentions and a Full Moon Bruja Oracle Office Hour- where I open the Akashic Records, speak on astrology and then answer attendees questions from their own guides and Records! For new folks it's $29.99 a month and for students of The School of the Healing Artes it's $21.99. Would love to see you there! Tomorrow, 1/6 we have a 1pm EST Full Moon Bruja Oracle Office Hour!
If there is a question or issue email me at muzeworks@gmail.com
Much amor,

Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Uncovering Our Cultural Soul Gifts Through Ancestral Hypnosis Healing
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Blessed Winter Solstice mi gente!
As I wind down and prepare to be more consistent for 2023, I am excited to share a conversation I had with Lisa Bonnice of The Shift Network on The Ancestral Healing Summit 2021.
2020 threw us into personal and collective instability and many folks were called to dive deeply and begin to heal inherited mindsets, ways of being and reclaim their intuition and inner knowing. Ritual, ceremony, prayer, meditation, journeying are just some of the tools for ancestral healing. I've worked as a clinical hypnotist for over two decades and have created my own protocol called Ancestral Hypnosis Healing™
How do we apply hypnosis for ancestral healing and how can we learn to use self-hypnosis to clear some of the stories that are still keeping us from thriving and healing at this time.
In This Session:
- Why now is the perfect time to break ancestral chains and claim more of our true selves
- What is hypnosis and how can I apply self-hypnosis to support ancestral healing
- How we ancestral stories manifest in issues of self-confidence, choosing our love partner, career, business, money mindset and health
If you feel like you may benefit from this type pf session, reach out to book a free chat with Vanessa : BOOK A FREE CHAT
I will be offering Hypnotherapy Certification and Ancestral Hypnosis Healing Training in 2023. I will be setting up a waitlist for that soon!
We have several spots available for our March Spring Equinox email us for details.
To explore more offerings from The Biz Bruja go to : https://thebizbruja.com

Monday Dec 12, 2022
Reclaiming the Power To Hold Space for Soul Madness with Xavier Dagba
Monday Dec 12, 2022
Monday Dec 12, 2022
So excited to share this powerful conversation with Xavier Dagba from The Ancestrally Rooted Business Summit 2022! Exploring how we are breaking ancestral patterns and reclaiming our magia and medicina to thrive in our Ancestrally Rooted businesses!
Xavier shares overcoming the fear of indigenous wisdom and medicine passed down from his father and embracing his great-grandmother's spiritual presence to breaking the good-boy pattern and leaving his Phd program to embrace what wanted to come through him. Madness is defined as breaking from the structures that hold up our egos to go out into our spiritual truths.
We explore the meaning of purpose in our spiritual and business journey!
BIO: Xavier Dagba, Xavier is a trauma-informed life coach and a shadow work facilitator. He's passionate about helping people liberate themselves from the hidden forces that prevent them from living a life of purpose. For information reach out on https://thebizbruja.com
Follow Vanessa Codorniu on IG @thebizbruja Follow Xavier Dagba on IG. @Xavier.dagba #ancestrallyrootedbusiness

Monday Nov 28, 2022
Monday Nov 28, 2022
I felt moved to share this conversation from mid-2020. We've come so far, I am awed and honored by the amount of Latinx, Indigenous and BIPOC healers that have stepped into their visibility and creating massive waves of transformation en la tierra. Let's keep learning, let's keep co-creating and let's keep supporting each other. Honored to walk with you all.
Mucho amor, Vanessa
Broadcast on October 28, 2020 With Vanessa Gonzalez Codorniu
Hosted by Lisa Bonnice
With many souls leaving the planet during the pandemic we are left with lack of closure, heaviness and feeling isolated. Practices of communicating with our inner knowing, nature and those that have crossed over are ancient and can offer us practical ways to heal, grow resilient and heal ourselves, community, and those beyond the veil. As we prepare for collective and personal change, let's remember practical ways that can serve us through these times.
In This Session:
* What is Mediumship and how can I tap into it's healing potential
* How can we create spaces within/without and in community to find closure with the departed
* How can we heal our own ancestral stories through connecting and releasing those that have crossed over
* A mini-guided exercise
Follow Vanessa on instagram: @thebizbruja and her website: https://thebizbruja.com
This interview is part of the Beyond The Veil Summit, a free online event featuring Near Death Experiences, Mediumship & the Science of the Afterlife.
For more information, please visit https://beyondtheveilsummit.com.
This recording is a copyright of The Shift Network. All rights reserved.

Monday Nov 21, 2022
Exploring Hypno-Reiki: A Powerful Healing Duo
Monday Nov 21, 2022
Monday Nov 21, 2022